
Essentials WOD
Last day of tests W/U 3 Round Planks Hold Superman Hollow rockers Gymnastic Skills Handstand hold with back against wall for time “L” sit on parallettes WOD: Functional Fitness Total Go through the movements ONLY  3 attempts at each lift in the written order Back squat Strict Press Dead Lift Add total weight for score...
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W/U  ROM Tests 1 min tests max singles                        max double unders 30sec test max push ups max sit ups max pull ups          3 attempts  max broad jump max height jump reach up wall WOD “Cindy”  20 min AMRAP * assist pull ups w bands as needed or jumping pull ups 5 pull ups 10 push ups...
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Thursday, January 19th and 26th we will be holding our first two part nutrition and goals seminar.  No this in not a seminar to discuss or outline this years “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS” or lack thereof.  In part I we will be discussing the basics and concepts of The Paleo and Zone diets, in addition we...
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Skill: Clean w/ PVC Clean RDL Clean RDL to Power Shrug Clean RDL to High Pull Muscle Clean Power Clean WOD: 2 Rounds: 90 Seconds Box Jump 90 Seconds Rest 90 Seconds Max Rep Push Up 90 Seconds Rest Score total number of box jumps, total number of pushups Post score to comments
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Strength/Skill: 5 Sets: 20 OH Lunge 10 Weighted Sit Ups WOD: Karen + BurpeesFor Time: 150 Wall Balls * Perform 3 Burpees every EVEN minute Additional:  Mobility
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Strength/Skill: 4 Rds: 10-12 DB Floor Press 30-60 Sec Plank WOD: 6 Rds For Time: 6 DB RDL 6 DB Squat Clean 6 DB Thrusters 6 Renegade Row 6 Sit Up 200 Sprint Additional:  Mobility
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Reminder the gym will closed today due to Amazing Grace.  Please come out and support this event and the cause it’s going towards.  We will be at the Cancer Care Center of Thornton, the address is 9441 Huron St. Thornton, CO. 80260.  If you are registered or planning or participating, athlete check in is at...
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Strength/Skill:  3 Rounds: 3 Turkish Get Ups (3 ea) 20 Double Unders WOD: 5 Rds For Time: 10 WB Sit Ups 20 OH Plate Lunges 40 Hurdle Hops 20 Push Ups 10 Wall Ball Additional:  
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Strength/Skill:   WOD: AMRAP in 15 Minutes 5 Burpees 10 Knee to Elbow 15 DB Front Squat Additional:  Mobility
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Strength/Skill:  OH Squat DB Row WOD: For Time: 200 Meter Run 10 Push Up 20 OH Squat 400 Meter Run 10 Russian Twist 20 Renegade Row 800 Meter Run 20 Push Up 10 OH Squat 400 Meter Run 20 Russian Twist 10 Renegade Row Additional:  
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