
Essentials WOD
It’s that time of year! time to order your new Suege gear! Tanks, t-shirts, and hoodies. See pictures below for options! Deadline to have $ and orders to me are this Saturday Dec 6th To have them here by Christmas. Pre-order only I won’t be ordering much for stock, so let me know what you...
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Surge Elite Performance & Fitness and Maximized Living Adjustments for Life Presents: Community 5K Fun Run:    WOD: Run a 5k…..Don’t Cherry Pick!!!! The Fun run is upon us!! Here is the schedule for tomorrow: 7:30-8:30 Registration/Raffle drawing $10 for the run…coffee drinking. We will have Starbucks! 8:30-Opening remarks  Mindy will be there as well! If...
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We have 9 teams competing in Lift the Rockies at Functional Fitness Defy in Broomfield. The first heat is at 9:00 and the last is at 4:45. Since we have so many teams competing we will not have a 9:30 class on Saturday. We will be having the 7:00 am competition class and the 8:30....
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Reminder!!! Tonights Essentials class will be combined with the 5:45 Functional Fitness Class.  Therefore please make sure you show up on time and are ready to go a 5:45.
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Strength/Skill:  Burgener Warm Up 4 Sets: 3 Hang Power Cleans + 1 Front Squat (Top Every 60 Seconds) WOD 4 Rds For Time: 7 Hang Power Cleans 14 Hand Release Push Ups Additional: Weekly Challenges Mobility
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Strength/Skill: 4 Sets Tabata :20 on :10 rest (Alternate exercises) Double Unders Push Ups Squats MB Slams WOD  3 Rds For Total Reps: 1 Minute at each station/1 Minute rest between Rds 5 Burpee buy in than AMRAP Wall Ball 5 DB Power Clean buy in than AMRAP Box Jumps 5 Strict DB Press buy in...
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Strength/Skill: 3 Sets: Bulgarian Squats x 10-12 ea Knee to Elbow x 10-15 Benchmark Friday WOD: With a Partner Complete:AMRAP in 15 Minutes 15 Wall Balls 10 KB Swings 5 Pull Ups *Partner A completes 15 Wall Balls, then Partner B performs 10 KB Swing, followed by Partner A performing 5 Pull Ups.  Partners will...
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Strenth/Skill: Headstand/Handstand Practice Hollow Rockers Superman Hollow Rockers Kipping Pull Up  WOD:  4 Rds For Time 25 Jumping Pull Ups 20 Squats 15 Push Ups Rest 1 Minute between Rds Additional: Weekly Challenges Mobility  
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Strength/Skill:  4 Sets: Medball Clean x 5 Push Up + Renegade Row x 8-10 WOD: In Teams of 2 Perfom AMRAP in 12 Minutes 200m Run AMRAP Medball Cleans *Partner A Perfoms 200m Run while Partner B Perform AMRAP Medball Cleans.  Once Partner A returns partners change exercises, partner A will continue medball cleans where partner...
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Strength/Skill: 4 Rounds Bulgarian Squat x 10-12 each leg Weighted V-ups x 15-20 WOD: For Time: Buy in: Run 400 Then  5 Rounds 7 Knees to elbow 14 Box Jumps Cash out: Run 400 meters Additional: Weekly Challenge board
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