Saturday Schedule

Last year was pretty fun for us…we got engaged at the end of the day! Pretty unforgettable!

We have 9 teams competing in Lift the Rockies at Functional Fitness Defy in Broomfield. The first heat is at 9:00 and the last is at 4:45.

Since we have so many teams competing we will not have a 9:30 class on Saturday. We will be having the 7:00 am competition class and the 8:30.

Below are the teams, and heat times for everyone competing. We would love to have as many of our Surge family come out and cheer these athletes on!


Name  Name Team # First Second Third
Trevor Lance 105# 9:20 (A) 12:15 © 3:15 (B)
Glendon C.J. 118# 10:20 (A) 1:30( C) 4:00 (B)
Christina Cindy 154 10:30 (C) 1:00 (B) 4:40 (A)
Audrey Holly 155 10:30 (C) 1:00 (B) 4:40 (A)
Steph Katie 157 10:45 (C) 1:15 (B) 5:00 (A)
Bobby Juliet 162 9:00 (B) 12:00 (A) 3:00 (C)
Mike William 193 9:15 (C) 12:00 (B) 3:20 (A)
Jimmy Daylan 194 9:15 (C) 12:00 (B) 3:20 (A)
Piper Darrell 203 10:15 (B) 1:40 (A) 4:45( C)


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