Skill/Strength: 3 Sets: Unbroken KB Swings x 20-30 Rest 30 Seconds Bulgarian Squat x 8-12 ea Rest 30 Seconds Max Rep Pull Up/Supine Row (at least 6-10 reps) Rest 1 minute WOD: For Time: 150 Push Ups *Athletes may rest in a plank position, once athletes are no longer allowed to continue or rest in...Read More
Great Job everyone on the tests, and the past two months it has been awesome to see what can happen in such a short time. It doesn’t matter if your skilled, or how talented you are but if you just own the day and work hard it will get you further than you know. Iv...Read More
Skill/Strength: DB Complex Minute 1-3 DB Deadlift x 5 Minute 4-7 DB Hang Clean x 4 Minute 8-10 DB Thruster x 3 WOD: With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 15 Minutes: 5 DB Deadlift 7 DB Hang Power Clean 9 DB Thruster *Partners will alternate rounds. For example Partner A performs one round of while...Read More
Strength/Skill: 4 Sets: 3 Position Bent Over BB Row x 6 ea @2111 Hip Extension x 10-15 @2121 *3 Position Row(Close = index finger on smooth, neutral=thumb width from smooth, wide=pinkie on first ring of barbell) WOD: With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 13 Minutes: 10 Partner High Five Push Up 12 Partner Wall Ball ea ...Read More