Thursday 120223 Functional Fitness/Essentials

 4 Sets:

  • 3 Position Bent Over BB Row x 6 ea @2111
  • Hip Extension x 10-15 @2121

*3 Position Row(Close = index finger on smooth, neutral=thumb width from smooth, wide=pinkie on first ring of barbell)

 With a Partner Perform AMRAP in 13 Minutes:

  • 10 Partner High Five Push Up
  • 12 Partner Wall Ball ea 
  • 15 Partner High Ten Sit Ups

*High Five Push Up- Partners face eachother perfom a push up then high five opposite hands, then perform push up and high five other hands

*Wall Ball-Partners perform wall ball and pass the wall ball back and forth between each toss off the wall

* High Ten Sit Ups-Partners lay toe to toe on ground perform a full range of motion sit up and give eachother a high ten at the top of the sit up, both hands much touch the others persons.

  • Mobility