
WOD:  For time: 400 meter run Then 2 rounds of: 25 Box Jumps 24″/20″ 25 Single arm KB swing 25 Med Ball Push ups 25 Med Ball Sit ups 25 Double Unders Finish with 400 meter run If you are doing Amazing Grace next weekend on Oct 16th, we will also be doing s seperate class to teach clean and jerk tomorrow at both 8:30 and 9:30 so that everyone can practice “Grace” and make sure you are ready for the event! Coaches Thoughts:  Since we have done a lot more strength this week today’s WOD was a much need “cardio” day. The 8:30 had good times and I believe everyone was happy to see a little running…sure you were! Our athlete’s of the day go to Tera and David for super steady work, and beating all the times from the first class. Nice work guys! Julie and Amber, we...
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Benchmark Friday!!!!   Next Week is Amazing Grace, make sure you all register and donate.  In addition get your family and friends involved in this great cause.  We will be doing the clean and jerk teaching class on Saturday at 8:30 and 9:30. There will also be the WOD at those times as well! WOD: “Grace” ( Shocking right) 30 Clean and Jerk for time 135#/95# Coaches Thoughts!  Today was such a success and great to see how much progress has been made in the last few months. We did Grace on 7/30 and were happy with the times, but at that time we didn’t have any athlete’s that were able to do Rx’d weight, today that was not the case at all. Let’s start with Amie who did it the first time at 45# and 4:30 min, today did it RX’d in 6:21! WOW a 50lbs increase! Nice work Amie, we...
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WOD: 3 Rds AMRAP in 90 seconds Rd 1, 60 sec Rd 2, 30 sec Rd 3 Lateral Box/Stick Hop Cone Agility Parallette Jump Agility Ladder Push ups Back Extension   Coaches Thoughts: Today we really emphasized agility and explosiveness, all the stations today added a little different variation to the exercises which we’re used to performing.  As for thoughts for the day, we can all improve our agility and lateral movement.  In addition the bench hop was a little more of a mental test than most were expecting, therefore that is definitely an area we can also improve in.  Highlight for the day was watching everyone trying their hardest to get over the bench barrier, as Courtney V getting a new PR on push jerk (135). Quote of the Day: “I’m not chasing down criminals or anything, but I’ve lost 15 Lbs and my volleyball game has gotten better.” Chris...
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Strength: Bent Over Rows 3×12 Ring Dips 3×15 WOD: 25 Toes to Bar 25 Back Squats 205#/140# 20 Toes to Bar 20 Back Squats 15 Toes to Bar 15 Back Squats 10 Toes to Bar 10 Back Squats 5 Toes to Bar 5 Back Squats Coaches thoughts! Everyone did well today, I know those back squats got heavy and toes to bar are never easy.  We were most impressed by every one’s attitude on T2B and wanting to do them full range of  motion, and to get the rhythm even if we weren’t  able to get full range of motion!  My athlete of the day award goes to Amber B, for her great attitude and drive to have really good form and also on her commitment to getting the Zone into her hectic life as a kindergarten teacher! Great work today Amber, thanks for always having such a great attitude!
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Strength: More prep for Amazing Grace  BTW: SIGN UP TODAY SO YOU CAN GET YOUR FREE T-SHIRT! DEADLINE IS TOMORROW(6th) TO GET THE SHIRT! 10 min to find 1 RM(Rep Max) of Push Jerk WOD: Rx’d # will be 65%  of 1 RM 1 min max reps push jerk 1 min rest 50 sec max rep push jerk 50 sec rest 40 sec max rep push jerk 40 sec rest 30 sec max re push jerk 30 sec rest 20 sec max rep push jerk 20 sec rest 10 sec max rep push jerk
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