Benchmark Friday!!!!

Next Week is Amazing Grace, make sure you all register and donate. In addition get your family and friends involved in this great cause.
We will be doing the clean and jerk teaching class on Saturday at 8:30 and 9:30. There will also be the WOD at those times as well!
“Grace” ( Shocking right)
- 30 Clean and Jerk for time 135#/95#
Coaches Thoughts! Today was such a success and great to see how much progress has been made in the last few months. We did Grace on 7/30 and were happy with the times, but at that time we didn’t have any athlete’s that were able to do Rx’d weight, today that was not the case at all. Let’s start with Amie who did it the first time at 45# and 4:30 min, today did it RX’d in 6:21! WOW a 50lbs increase! Nice work Amie, we are SO proud of you and all your hard work! Jason, Amie’s brother, who has never done Grace before got it in 2:58! Aaron who had to do it 1 armed last time which was a bummer but today did it Rx’d, even with the shoulder issues he is still dealing with was able to do an impressive 3:01. Then there is Shannon, who did it last time at 95# and 4:13 min, came in today and said he wanted to do it Rx’d and his goal was just to finish. He rocked it out with a solid time of 6:51 and a 40lbs increase as well! We are so excited for the Amazing Grace event next weekend!