Saturday 101009

WOD:  For time:

  • 400 meter run

Then 2 rounds of:

  • 25 Box Jumps 24″/20″
  • 25 Single arm KB swing
  • 25 Med Ball Push ups
  • 25 Med Ball Sit ups
  • 25 Double Unders

Finish with 400 meter run

If you are doing Amazing Grace next weekend on Oct 16th, we will also be doing s seperate class to teach clean and jerk tomorrow at both 8:30 and 9:30 so that everyone can practice “Grace” and make sure you are ready for the event!

Love the teamwork of everyone cheering Julie through her last few reps!

Coaches Thoughts:  Since we have done a lot more strength this week today’s WOD was a much need “cardio” day. The 8:30 had good times and I believe everyone was happy to see a little running…sure you were! Our athlete’s of the day go to Tera and David for super steady work, and beating all the times from the first class. Nice work guys! Julie and Amber, we are so proud of you both for coming in to work on Grace, and solid times with 65# which is a big jump in weight for you both, we know next weekend is going to be a success!

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