
Essentials WOD
“One of the most utterly surprising scientific findings of recent decades has got to be that fat isn’t so bad for you after all. (Apart from, you know, potentially bringing on serious heart conditions.) In fact, if you’re looking for a reason for America’s ballooning girth, you’ve got to lay the blame on carbohydrates–in other...
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This is an amazing video.  I’m sure most of you have seen Coach Nettie and her boot kicking butt in all the WODs, but this video really rams home the aspect that no matter what the situation is you can improve your health.  There are a lot of good points that are brought up during...
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Strength/Skill med ball with partner 2 Sets x 10 ea – chest pass – over head slam pass – side tosses L/R -granny tosses (but w some power) -sit up toss – super man tosses WOD with partner complete all reps of each exercise before moving on to the next exercise 100  Air squats 50...
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skills ropes 1min singles 1min side to side 1 min front back 1 min backwards 2 min DU work im 5 min do one jump rope then stop do 2 JR the stop, then do three… and so on how far can you get in 4 min…. med ball clean work – dead lift med...
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W/U skills burgner warm up with snatch – drive through heals,knees, open hips, shrug – tripple ext.. – high elbows outside – muscle snatch – press under the bar – OHS – power snatch WOD run 200m 10 push ups max wall balls untill you drop it. when you drop the ball… run 200m 10...
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Strength/Skill 3 Rounds A. 5 x handstand kick ups to wall holds 10 x OH plate lunges 15 x kipping swings B. 5 x head stand holds 10 x ring rows 15 x push ups WD: Tabata 6 Rounds for each exercise of 20sec of work with 10 sec rest. 1 min reset between the...
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Strength/ Skill KB warm up  Around the world Russian swings L/R Wind mills Progression to KB snatch Partner WOD Each partner completes the following the score is the total reps for both partners and all exercises:  Run 200 Sumo Dead High Pull Run 200 Push Ups Run 200 Wall Balls Run 200 Box Jumps Essentials
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Strength/Skill: Skills quick tabata Air squats 20 on 10 off 6 rds Sit ups. 20 on 10 off. 4 rds Push ups 20 on 10 off 2 rds WOD :   9 min AMRAP 3 Dumbell Push Press 6 Pull ups 12 Renegade Row
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ropes 300 ROM and a good roll out on the rollers -calves – hams – glut – hip flexors – quads – back and lats Skills/Strength kipping swings 10 push ups 12 sit ups to stand up 8 WOD 5 rds 10 Dead lift 65% of their dead lift total 20sec rest 8 Bulgarian squats...
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Due to some scheduling conflicts we will be combining the 5:45 Functional Fitness and the 6:00 pm Essentials classes tonight.  Sorry for any inconvenience.
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