
Essentials WOD
Strength/Skill: Back Squat @ 20×1 (top every 90 Seconds) 1st Set x  5 @ 75% 2nd Set x 3 @ 80% 3nd Set x 1 @ 85% 4th Set x 5 @ 80% 5th Set x 3 @ 85% 6th Set x 1 @ 90% Hang Power Clean (Top every 90 Seconds) 3×3 @ 82%+ WOD: 9-6-3 For Time:...
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Hey all due to Presidents Day, Monday’s class schedule will be as follows: 5:15 am Functional Fitness/Essentials 8:30 Functional Fitness 9:30 Functional Fitness 10:30 Comp Class 6:15 Functional Fitness/Essentials Sorry for any inconvenience, if have any questions please let us know.
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Sorry for late posting, the 5:45 pm class will begin at 5:30 tonight. Sorry for any inconvenience if this doesn’t work you may drop in on the 6 pm Essentials class.
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Strength/Skill:  3 Rds DB Clean x 5 DB Jerk x 5 Hollow Rockers to Superman x 10 ea WOD:  AMRAP in 10 Minutes: Box Jumps x 10 Man Makers x 5 Additional: Mobility
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Strength/Skill: 3 Sets: Bench/Floor Press x 4-6 @ 2011 (80%+) KB/DB Walking Lunges x 20 Steps (Heavy) WOD: Eight rounds for time of: 10 Burpees 15 Jumping alternating lunges 20 Lateral Stick Jump 25 yard Shuttle sprint (5 x 5 yards) Rest 90 seconds Additional: Mobility
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Skills Quick ropes GHD: 4 Rounds  NFT Back Extention 2 rounds x 6-8 Hip Extention 2 Rounds x6-8 10 KB goblet squats to thrusters WOD : 20 kb swings 2 push ups 18 kb swings 4 push ups 16 kb swings 6 push ups and so on… I know it was posted Wednesday but we didn’t...
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W/U skills GHD 4rds 2 rds doing back ext then two rds doing hip ext back/ hip ext 6-8 10 KB goblet squats to thrusters WOD 20 kb swings 2 push ups 18 kb swings 4 push ups 16 kb swings 6 push ups and so on… push ups end at 20 and kb ends...
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Skills 5 Rounds Try to progress each round of kipping swings into kipping pull ups Kipping swings x 10 Sit ups with wall ball x10 WOD: AMRAP 25min  Buy in: 50 box jump up and over is 1 With remaining time: 3 pull up 6 hand release push up 9 KB swing
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Skill: GHD Intro Hip Extension Back Extension Fitness_GHD.wmv check out the link Option A.  3 Rounds Partner handstand kick up holds x 5 Partner fireman’s carry 20yrds x 2 Ring rows x 10 GHD x 10 Option B.  3 Rounds Handstand to wall kick ups x 5 Partner wheelbarrows 20yrd x2 Kipping swings x10 Good...
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For those of you who haven’t heard or don’t know, the Functional Fitness Games season offically begins in 19 day’s.  Registration has opened for this year’s Functional Fitness Open.  The Open will take place between February 22nd-March 25th.  Each week on Wednesday Functional Fitness HQ will release a workout in which athletes from our region and across...
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