Monday 120220 Functional Fitness/Essentials

Back Squat @ 20×1 (top every 90 Seconds)

  • 1st Set x  5 @ 75%
  • 2nd Set x 3 @ 80%
  • 3nd Set x 1 @ 85%
  • 4th Set x 5 @ 80%
  • 5th Set x 3 @ 85%
  • 6th Set x 1 @ 90%

Hang Power Clean (Top every 90 Seconds)

  • 3×3 @ 82%+
9-6-3 For Time: (10 Minute Cap)

  • Bar Muscle Ups
  • Squat Clean Thruster 185/125

*Sub Chest to bar pull ups if you have or chin over bar x 2

  • Mobility

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