
 WOD: For Time: 20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 Overhead Walking Lunge 45#/25# 2-4-6-8-10-12-14-16-18-20 Push Ups 10 Pull Ups between rds Coaches Thoughts:Today was awesome, both classes were full with lots of energy plus a few new faces! The effort level today was awesome, and we had some great times put up. The athlete of the day goes to Susan, she had a steady solid pace and as far as I could see there was no rest in the WOD. If you ever want to know why the times are different, I guarantee it is the rest time between the exercises! Everytime I saw Susan she was running from station to staion and working her tail off! Nice job today girl, and PS your pull ups are looking great!
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So Court and I randomly got the urge this last weekend to try and put the Functional Fitness methodology to the test by trying to sign up for the Rock n Roll 1/2 marathon without specifically training for it. Unfortunately we were unable to get registered for the marathon, but we were able to check out the fitness expo that was being held at the convention center.  Now there were an estimated 14,000 people signed up to run/walk the race, but I’d guess at least that many people stopped in to check out the expo.  As we walked through the sea of people, than in and out of all the vendor booths, the one thing we both took notice to was which booths were the busiest.  Every booth that had some sort of hidden secret about improving your fitness, or had a magic ingredient in their energy bar/drink that will make a person into an Olympic...
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Benchmark Friday! Diane: 21-15-9 Deadlift 225#/155# Handstand Push up Half Marathon/10k/5k—Saturday November 6, 2010 Brandon and I have decided that we really want to do a 1/2 marathon without “training” for it. We tried to do the Rock n Roll but waited to long to get registered. Looks like there is one in a few weeks that we are going to sign up for. We would love to have a crew of Surge members running with us. If anyone wants to do the 1/2 that would rock, but there is also a 10K and a 5K! Let us know if you are interested! It will be a fun test for all of us! Heart Center of the Rockies Half Marathon/PVHS Start: Saturday, November 06, 2010 @ 8:30 AM Boyd Lake State Park – County Rd 11c Loveland, CO     Date Saturday, November 06, 2010 @ 8:30 AM Address Boyd...
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WOD: For Time: 200 Meter Run 20 ea Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat 20 KB Swings 400 Meter Run 15 ea Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat 15 KB Swings 800 Meter Run 10 ea Goblet Bulgarian Split Squat 10 KB Swings Coaches Thoughts: Today really wanted to focus on some lower extremity strength with a balance component.  This WOD was an extreme mental test as well, those you pushed themselves and didn’t allow the burn from the squats get to them came out on top today.  In addition Chris informed us today that since he’s started he’s lost 18 LBs so far, great job Chris we are so proud of you keep up the great work.  Jason I can’t imagine what it’s like having asthma, but you definitely don’t allow it to hold you back.  You show great heart today by pushing through that 400.
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Strenght: Deadlift Working of 90% of 1RM  6 @ 70% 6 @ 75% 5 @ 80% 5 +(as many as you can) @ 85% WOD: AMRAP in 20 min of: Wall Ball Med Ball Toss Frog Push up 100 meter SPRINT Start with 1 rep of each exercise the first round, then the 2nd round will be 2 reps of each exercise, etc, etc, so every round you will complete one more rep of each exercise than you did the round before. The run will stay the same throughout. Coaches Thoughts:Today was fun…in a really painful way. I think everyone including myself was surprised at how bad my shoulders burned during the sit-ups and then straight into the push ups…not gonna lie, holding my arms up right now while typing, is  making my shoulders burn!  Today was won and lost in the run, and I heard a few comments from people...
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