Benchmark Friday!!!! Prepare for the unknowable. Horrible Helen or Games Helen Run 1200 meter 63 KB swing 36 Pull ups Run 800 42 KB swings 24 Pull ups Run 400 21 KB swings 12 Pull upsRead More
Please take the time to read the intensity write up below, it’s a great explanation why Functional Fitness is so effective. Skill Work: Snatch Charli’s B-Day WOD: AMRAP in 15 minutes of: Start with 460 Meter Run with remaining time Perform AMRAP of 7 Deadlift 225#/135# 19 Wall Balls 20#/14# As you can see from the...Read More
I suppose this comes on the heels of the games for a few reasons. Watching the athletes compete this weekend it is hard to not be driven to have that much heart and drive to finish no matter what, and to do it with a smile. However, we also feel that we need to talk a...Read More
The question has come up about cheering on your fellow athletes and coaching your fellow athletes. We want everyone to be a team player and love the energy that is found when everyone is truly supporting their fellow athletes! Please cheer, encourage and support everyone, that is how we all get better and learn how...Read More
With the conclusion of this years Functional Fitness games I just want to say that it was truly amazing and inspirational watching all of this years competitors compete. However, the games are only a small part of what Functional Fitness is. There is little debate that those who competed dedicated themselves to their training and nutritional programs and earned...Read More