Saturday 100724

For Time:

  • 70 Full Squat Jump
  • 60 Traveling Push Up
  • 50 Good Mornings
  • 40 Renagade Row 30#/20#
  • 30 V-Ups
  • 20 Burpee
  • 80 steps OH Walking Lunge 45#/25#


Justin loving the renegade rows!
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1 Response
  1. Aaron

    Day 5: One armed WODs

    For Time:
    70 Full Squat Jump
    60 Traveling Push Up (subbed 60 one-armed ground to overhead, 30# DB)
    50 Good Mornings, 45#
    40 Renegade Row, 30# (subbed 40 one-armed bent over DB rows, 50#)
    30 V-Ups
    20 Burpee (subbed 20 standing broad jumps)
    80 Steps OH Walking Lunge 45# (subbed 80 steps one-armed KB OH walking lunge, 35#)

    Total Time: 22:54