Tuesday 101116


  • 15 minutes to work on something you haven’t concurred YET (Muscle Ups, Double unders, Handstand Push ups ect…)


AMRAP in 12 Minutes:

  • 400 Meter Run
  • 5 DeadLift

*This AMRAP in for Rounds and Weight, therefore go for a heavy weight in which you can perform 5 touch and go reps.

Coaches Thoughts:The weather today was interesting and we were proud of everyone for dealing with the cold and rain. The 8am class lucked out with sunny skies!  Today was a nice test of strength and endurance while working the posterior chain, the rounds put up were great and everyone jumped in with heavy weight!  I have been instructed(by Chris and Jess) to put in the notes that Chris was Jess’s b@#@# today while she was rocking 185# dead lift. However, Chris’ dead lift were looking much better today! Taking the time to work on things we suck at was fun today, and everyone did a great job focusing on their weaknesses! Rob definitely gets the athlete of the day. He said he wanted to work on overhead squats and muscle ups.  Before yesterday he really had never gone through the progression of the muscle up, and by the end of the workout he got his first muscle up! HUGE CONGRATS ROB!!

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3 Responses
  1. afromeatball

    5 complete rounds with 135 lbs. deadlift and ran on a treadmill. Again, guestimated on precise time. Started 10:59 and completed fifth round of 400 meters on a treadmill around 11:10ish.