Tuesday 100810


  • DB Bench Press 3 x 15
  • Clapping Push Ups 3 x 8

* Perform Clapping Push Ups between Presses


AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:

  • 5 Thrusters 95#/65#
  • 7 Hang Cleans 95#/65#
  • 9 SDHP 95#/65#
8 am did the WOD in teams with push-ups and sit-ups mixed in

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1 Response
  1. Aaron

    Day 20: One-armed WOD

    DB Bench Press 3 x 15 (single arm DB, 45-65-50)
    Clapping Push Ups 3 x 8 (subbed single arm push ups on a bar about 30” high)

    AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:
    5 Thrusters 95# (subbed single arm 45# DB thrusters)
    7 Hang Cleans 95# (subbed single arm 45# DB hang cleans)
    9 SDHP 95# (subbed single arm 45# DB SDHP)

    Total = 11 rounds + 14 reps