Thursday 101230


  • 3 Attempts Max Rep Unbroken Wall Ball 20#/14#

Tabata (Alternating Exercises for 8 Rds each)

  • KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull 55#/35
  • KB Swing 55#/35#
  • Single Leg V-Up

Coaches Thoughts: It was great to have Denise join us today, she has been trying to join us for months but things just weren’t working out, but today it did!  Rob started us off well this morning with 46 Wall Balls and his number stuck the rest of the day! Kristi lead the girls today with 26! The alternating tabata was an interesting challenge, but everyone did well. Jason A did rocked it tonight and got better almost every round in his tabata. Not to mention that he had to leave Greeley at 2pm to make the 5pm class since the roads were bad! That my friends is dedication! And he is one of the few that continues to knock out his burpees EVERYDAY! Nice job Jason!

Here are Rob and Jason doing "Whitten"

2 Responses
  1. Aaron

    CFE WOD from 101227, Time Trial T15
    60 minute run for distance

    Result = 5.85 miles

    Am a little bummed, was hoping for 6+ miles. But, didn’t really run that hard so I shouldn’t be surprised.