Saturday 101204


  • 75 Kettlebell Swings for time 55#/35# (5 min cap)

1 min rest

  • AMRAP in 5 Min
  • 8 Wall Balls
  • 8 Hand Release Push ups

1 min rest

  • 50 Deadlifts for time 225#/ 155# (5 min cap)

1 min rest

  • AMRAP in 5 Min
  • 8 Box Jumps
  • 16 Double Unders
Awesome sunrise out the gym door!

Coaches Thoughts:Today was a nice change with a few mini WOD’s all in one.  According to Josh it was a surprisingly hard Saturday WOW! The classes this morning were busy and the energy and effort put forth by everyone was great! You all also proved that not only can you rock a really hard WOD but then go right into the 94 or 47 burpees that needed to be done today! Thanks to Val B for bringing Jim to join us today, Jim you did great. Also it was nice to have Ian from Canyon City drop in and join us as well! Solid effort, enjoy your rest day!  Oh and thanks to Chris for bringing his dog Lola, I think I am a little closer to convincing Brandon that we need a gym puppy!

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16 Responses
  1. afromeatball

    50+ complete as part of a WOD. 4 rounds of 50 seconds on, 10 seconds rest at three stations. Push presses at 65% of 1 rep max, burpee station and rest station rotating between teams of 3.

  2. JustG

    94 burpees done in random sets of how ever many i could do at a time before my arms decided i was done. That was a fun WOD today, I’m pretty sure i want to inflict severe pain on whoever was dumb enough to invent DUs. Talk about a mind job for me… This burpee challenge has really lit a fire under a lot of you, this is so awesome!

  3. KGriff

    50 burpees completed tonight by the Griffiths followed by 100 situps. Bummed I missed such a killer WOD this morning!

  4. I completed my 50 burpees in sets of 10. I didn’t rush it. It was done in about 45 minutes. Oh, but I did it while drinking a really good martini! Well, I did remember to set the drink down before doing them. 🙂

  5. Jason

    Still very sore from the past two days. I completed my 94 burpees after the wod this morning. Thanks everyone for making Surge a great place to workout.

  6. Luv-2-run

    Sorry – forgot to post last night. Love the picture!
    47 – done. Pain, pain, pain! Sets of 5, throughout the day. 🙂 Feeling goooood!

  7. beezer97

    Got my burpees done at the gym on Sat after a tough WOD. It was nice to have others to help push me since I had to make up from Friday as well. 🙂

  8. Sounds like everyone is having fun! Great to see you all working together to get them done after the WOD! I think I am as sore as the rest of you. This was a tough week, but we will all be stronger for it! VERY PROUD of you all!!!!

  9. PS. I like the martini burpees Susan! We should all wish ROB a Happy Birthday and David as well. Rob’s B-day was the 3rd, and good to know he was doing his burpees after cake and brownies!David’s B-day is today(he is afromeatball on here) is today! Looks like we have some b-day WOD’s coming next week!