Sunday 101205

REST Day…. Except for your Burpees!

Let us know how the burpees go when you have to do them without your friends at the gym! Try to find somewhere fun to do them! So far we have them done on Vail mountain, in the airport, and living rooms! Where will you do yours today? How about a park or somewhere else people will look at you like you are crazy! Take some pictures today 🙂 

Don’t forget that the Christmas party is this coming Saturday. Please RSVP here or to the original Christmas party post! We will have a few games to play but if you have ideas for other fun stuff to do let us know!

Partner Burpees!

13 Responses
  1. amienshea

    Jeff completed his 92 burpee’s this morning(pre coffee)
    I completed my 92 burpee’s aroung 7:30pm…..

  2. I didn’t get mine in yesterday so I had 94 to make up today…didn’t want to use one of my two days already but it happened. So I made it into a WOD today. Had 186 burpees to do, so I broke them into 7 sets, 6 sets of 26 and the last set was 31. I did the burpees then same number of sit ups. Was a tough WOD, took 27:15. I don’t want to make up anymore days!