
News & Updates
Sorry for late posting, the 5:45 pm class will begin at 5:30 tonight. Sorry for any inconvenience if this doesn’t work you may drop in on the 6 pm Essentials class.
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For those of you who haven’t heard or don’t know, the Functional Fitness Games season offically begins in 19 day’s.  Registration has opened for this year’s Functional Fitness Open.  The Open will take place between February 22nd-March 25th.  Each week on Wednesday Functional Fitness HQ will release a workout in which athletes from our region and across...
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“One of the most utterly surprising scientific findings of recent decades has got to be that fat isn’t so bad for you after all. (Apart from, you know, potentially bringing on serious heart conditions.) In fact, if you’re looking for a reason for America’s ballooning girth, you’ve got to lay the blame on carbohydrates–in other...
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Big congrats and great job goes out to Bobby and Christina, who competed this weekend in the Winter WODfest at Functional Fitness Eminence.  Christina once again did an amazing job by placing 3rd in the Women’s Rx’d division.  Bobby put on a stealer performance in his 1st ever Functional Fitness competition.  He finishing 26th overall...
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Don’t forget part 2 of the nutrition/goal seminar is tonight at 6:15(no class at 6:15). If you were there for part 1 make sure you bring in you food journal. If you missed part 1 but can make it tonight, there will still be lots of good info for ya!  See you then, let us...
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 Congrats to Jason for getting his 1st, 2nd and 3rd Muscle Ups.  Been waiting a little while to write this one, great job Jason!!!
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Kelsey competed in her first Functional Fitness competition today which was at Mile High Functional Fitness for the King and Queen of the gym. It was a fun comp because each of the 4 WOD’s was with a new (co-ed)partner that was assigned to you. It was a smaller competition but well run and everyone...
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Reminder this Thursday at 6:15 pm we will be holding our first two part seminar.   We will be discussing Nutrition (Paleo/Zone), along with goal setting and ways to succeed.  Part II will be held next week on Thursday at the same time.  This is going to be extremely beneficial so we highly encourage everyone to...
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Due to some scheduling conflicts we will be combining the 5:45 Functional Fitness and the 6:00 pm Essentials classes tonight.  Sorry for any inconvenience.
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Thursday, January 19th and 26th we will be holding our first two part nutrition and goals seminar.  No this in not a seminar to discuss or outline this years “NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS” or lack thereof.  In part I we will be discussing the basics and concepts of The Paleo and Zone diets, in addition we...
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