
REST!!!! Thanks to everyone that come to the mini opening and first WOD yesterday! The gym is close to done, we were there till 2:30 am Friday night and back again at 7 on Saturday morning, but it was worth the work! It will be a work in progress for a while, but it is functional now! Saturday’s WOD and BBQ were a success!  Sorry more of you weren’t able to make the WOD, but Aaron, Susan and Jake, ROCKED it!  Donavon got our shirts printed and ready for us and we are so grateful for all his hard work! Thank you to: Coleman, Kim, Beth, Jake, Jolene, Zoe, Susan, Aaron, Anne, Lincoln, Melissa, Mason, Abbey, Amanda, JC, Bailey, Nicole, Jason,Pat, Nick, Sharon, Don, Kathy, Peter, Kyle and Donavon.  Mason BBQ us some amazing chicken and decided that he needs to give Functional Fitness a try…although he is a little nervous due to the...
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Can’t believe we haven’t updated since Wed..but then again we have done nothing but work on the building since then! Yesterday was big, we got the pull-up system done, and BTW it is AWESOME! One more coat of paint and we are ready for some pull-ups, muscle ups, ladder drills and maybe some Gladiator games!  The floor is close to done, 1/2 of the rubber is laid, the third coat of stain is on the platforms.  The trim is done everywhere, the front of the building is power washed and nice and shiny. Thanks to Court’s dad Don for bringing the power washer and cleaning it for us! The dumbbells,weights, and kettle bells are unpacked, which is really fun! Today was are heading in to finish the floor, the ceiling in the bathroom, go pick up the last of the equipment, and clean so we can be ready for everyone tomorrow! Today’s WOD...
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We are still making progress, and today was a great day. The pull-up system is close to in place. It took some creative engineering and a few should presses, deadlifts, and cleans to get the ladder put in, but so far so good. We will finish the rest tomorrow, and then finish the floor!  Rubber can get cut around the pull up system and we will get the second coat on the wood for the platforms! Trim is painted now we just need to put it on! Huge thanks to Mark, Brandon’s dad for all his amazing work on the pullup system! It looks amazing and we have pull ups for REALLY tall people, we are ready for some basketball players! Thanks also to Jake so stopping by to check the place out and for loaning us some tools, that will help a lot! Thanks also to Julie and Amber...
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What we learned today is that hours of staining wood and inhaling fumes gives us really bad headaches! However, the first coat is done on all of the wood that will soon be our platforms, and all of the trim is painted blue! We also reaffirmed that everything takes three times as long as we anticipate that it will! Thanks to Jade and Doug for stopping by today to check it out. in Jade’s words, “Wow, the pictures don’t do it justice, it is a lot bigger than it looks!”  We agree. Sad to admit that there was no 5K run today, mostly because of the fume headaches we had, however we were able to get to Costco to get all of our healthy, yummy food for the week! Have to remember that no matter how busy things get proper nutrition is a MUST! Our biggest word of advice to...
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Run 5K outside Post time to comments Happy Sunday, Hope everyone is having a great weekend. We are making progress on the gym, but the rain is not helping. Mark(Brandon’s Dad) has been hard at work on the pull up system but the rain is not helping as he needs to be able to weld outside. However, we are getting close and hope to have it up tomorrow. Mark is really ready for the gym to be open so that he can get some rest! We can’t thank him enough for his help over the last month! Yesterday was lots of running around and the 25th trip to home depot. We did use our Functional Fitness skills though while loading 12 sheets of MDF into Court’s truck. Not only did we use our skills to do shoulder presses but Court through in some thruster as well. Nice to know the training...
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