
Benchmark Friday WOD: “DT” 5 Rds For Time: 12 Deadlift 155#/105# 9 Hang Power Clean 155#/105# 6 Push Jerk 155#/105# Extra Credit: 2 Minute Mobility Work
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Skill Work: Forward Roll Headstand Handstand WOD: 3 Rds For Time: 21 ea Alt. Single Arm KB Russian Swing 55#/35# 12 L-Pull Up/Jumping L-Sit Negitive Pull Up 6 Handstand Push Ups/30Seconds Accumulative Handstand/Headstand Hold
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WOD: Tabata This Sumo Deadlift High Pull 75#/45# 1 minute rest Squat 1 minute rest Pull Up 1 minute rest Push Up 1 minute rest Sit Up * The Tabata interval is 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 8 intervals. Tabata score is the least number of reps performed in any of the eight intervals Extra Credit 1 Rd For Time: 50 Good Mornings 50 KB Russian Swings 55#/35#
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Strength: 5-4-3-3 Deadlift *Goal for today is to find your 3 Rep Max (RM) Deadlift.  We’re going to use this number in the WOD proceeding the strength portion, so make sure you give this your all out effort.  WOD: For Time: 50 Deadlift 1 Mile Run *Using your 3 Rep Max Deadlift acquired during the strength portion, we will get a predicted 1 Rep max weight.  Use 55% of your predicted 1 Rep Max weight during the WOD. Great Job!!! I wish I could express how proud I am of everyone who came in today.  Today was an amazing day at the gym, the atmosphere was rocking and everyone came in to work.  We had 10 people set a new PR for their 3 rep Deadlift, which included George who increased his 1 rep max 55 pounds.  In addition it was even more amazing and inspiring watching all of you bust your...
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Strength: 3 Rds For Time of: 15 ea. Bulgarian Squat 15 Push Up WOD: AMRAP in 15 minutes of: 4 Man Makers 30#/20# 8 DB Front Squat 30#/20# 100 Meter Run Results: Cory: 5:20   5 rounds + 12 reps Ryan: 5:35   5 rounds + 12 reps Jolene: 7:00  6 Rounds + 1/2 manmaker Ed:  6:55         5 Rounds Julie:  7:06    4 Rounds Anna:  6:01    4 Rounds + 3 manmakers Brian:  5:06    6 rounds + 12 reps & 1/2 run Jake: 5:01       7 Rounds + 1 rep Amie: 7:37     3 Rounds Brian and Anna, you guys rocked it and we were glad to have you! Loved the old stories of Brandon rom college and all of the stuff he used to eat!!! Tina, you did awesome today! It was great to meet you and you need to be so proud of yourself for you amazing weight loss! We can’t wait to see...
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