
Benchmark Friday Come join the fun!!! Angie – For Time 100 Pull ups 100 Push ups 100 Sit ups 100 Squats
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Strength: Push Press 5-5-5-5 WOD: 3 Rds For Time: 12 DB Snatch Rt Arm 40#/25# 10 Supine/Inverted Row 12 DB Snatch Lt Arm 40#/25# 10 Supine/Inverted Row
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WOD: 8 Rds For Time: Run 200 Meters 15 Knee To Elbow 15 Hip Extensions (Sub Good Mornings) * This is a SPRINT not a leisure jog, its 200 Meters run hard.
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Strength: DB Bench Press 3 x 15 Clapping Push Ups 3 x 8 * Perform Clapping Push Ups between Presses WOD: AMRAP in 20 Minutes of: 5 Thrusters 95#/65# 7 Hang Cleans 95#/65# 9 SDHP 95#/65# 8 am did the WOD in teams with push-ups and sit-ups mixed in
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WOD: 4 Rds For Time and Max Reps: Run 400 Meters AMRAP Body Weight Back Squat Extra Credit: Foam Roll/Stretching
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