
September 2nd we will be holding our 3rd nutrition seminar.  We will be covering some of the concepts discussed during our 1st seminar.  With conclusion of this seminar we will be starting our first “30 Day Zone Challenge.”  Details about this challenge will be posted and explained the day of the seminar.
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This last weekend Copper Mountain hosted the first ever Warrior Dash in Colorado.  There were an estimated 11,000 participants of whom I heard the majority of which were Functional Fitnessers.  Courtney and I had the great privilege of spending this weekend in Copper Mountain with a few of our members.  The entire weekend was excellent, great people watching, good food, and most of all it allowed each of us to get to know each otherout side of the gym.  Which by the way I have to admit, it was hard recognizing some of you without gym attire on and not drenched in sweat.  This weekend reiterated what a great community the Functional Fitness community is.  We met and were able to mingle with Functional Fitnessers throughout all of Colorado, and even across the nation.  I met John who came all the way out here from Georgia, and works out at Functional Fitness Atlanta.  It always amazes me how two people who have never...
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Skills/Strength: Clean 3 x 20 75#/45# (No one is allowed to go up in weight, use this time to practice good technique with speed) Bent Over Row 3 x 8 WOD: 3 Rds For Time: Run 800 Meters 20 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 10 Strict Pull Ups
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Andrea’s B-Day WOD: 50-40-30-20-10 For Time: Double Unders Sit Ups * Sub 3 single jumps for 1 Double Unders There’s a 15 Minute cap for Andrea’s WOD Karmen’s B-Day WOD: AMRAP in 20 Minutes Run 400 Meters 8 KB Single Arm Russian Swing Rt Arm 55#/35# 17 Wall Ball 20#/14# 8 KB Single Arm Russian Swing Lt Arm 55#/35# 17 Wall Ball 20#/14#
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Strength: Back Squat 5-3-1-1-1 Ring Dips 3 x 20 WOD: 21-15-9 Front Squat 155#/105# Ring Push Ups Toe To Bar
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