
Benchmark Friday 100 Double Unders For Time  8:00 min time cap 75 Knees to Elbows For Time  8:00 min time cap then the actual WOD: 100 Burpees For Time (chest must touch the ground and you must clap and jump at the top)
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WOD: 5 Rounds For Time: 6 Push Press 115#/85# 9 Paralette Push ups 12 Paralette Dips
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Please go to and register for Amazing Grace ASAP.  Remember you must register and donate a minimum of $35 before Oct. 6th to participate and receive a t-shirt.  If you have any questions please let us know. This week all Saturday Sessions are cancelled due to the Metro Dash. We will be posting a WOD that can be done outside of the gym.  Talk to your fellow members and see if anyone wants to meet to do the WOD together! Also there will be prizes for the person that raises the most $ for amazing grace! If you have friends and family that wonder what you do at CF invite them to come out and watch or participate in the event on the 16th! The more people we have present the better!
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Strength: Back Squat 8-8-8  @80% of 1RM    1 burn set @70% on 1RM WOD: AMRAP in 15 min 15 Box Jumps 10 KB American Swing 55#/35# 5 Pull ups **Each exercise must be performed unbroken. If the set is broken, then you must complete the round, but it does not count!
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REFRESH, REFRESH, REFRESH… How many of you hit the refresh button on your browser yesterday waiting for us to post the WOD?   As most of you have figured out, we are not posting WOD this week…why you ask? We are spending this week working on your brains as well as your bodies. As you know part of Functional Fitness is the unknown and the knowable, so this week be ready for not knowing your WOD’s, thinking you know(but you won’t) and be ready to break down some barriers in your head. We have said it a million times but I will say it one more time, your brain will quit long before your body does! I want everyone this week to really focus on positive self talk, finding your limit or your perceived limit and pushing past it. If you think you can’t do one more rep, do 2. You...
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