
A) 3 Sets: Split Stance Landmine Push Press x 6 each Sled Throws x 15 yards Hand Anchored Single Arm Landmine Row x 6-8 each Sled Power Rows x 15 yards B) 3 Sets: Pause Bulgarian Split Squat x 6-8 Backwards Sled Drag x 15 yards Iso Copenhagen Hold x 20-30 Seconds Each C) 3 Sets: Supinated Grip Supine Ring Row @3111 x 6-8 each Hand Over hand Sled Pull x 15 yards Iso Seated Banded Row Hold x 20-30 Seconds D) 10-8-6-4-2 Plank Up/Downs Each Alternating DB Hammer Curl + DB Supinated Curls Calorie Bike x 2
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A) 3 Sets: Split Stance Landmine Push Press x 6 each Sled Throws x 15 yards Hand Anchored Supinated Grip Single Arm DB Row x 6-8 each Sled Power Rows x 15 yards B) 5 Sets: 30 Seconds Bike or Row (Hard) 30 Seconds Bike or Row (EZ) C) 3 Sets: Banded Shoulders and Heels Elevated Hip Thrusts @3113 Mini Band Hip Complex D) 5 Sets: 30 Seconds Bike or Row (Hard) 30 Seconds Bike or Row EZ
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Performance 1 Set: Iso YTWA Hold x 15-20 Seconds Banded TKE x 15 Banded Face Pull x 15 Cossack Squat x 5-10 Push Up + Shoulder Tap x 5-10 Front Leaning Calves Raise x 15 Wall Leaning Tibialis Raise x 15 Knee Over Toes Calves Raise x 15 4 Sets: (Alternating Every 90 Seconds) Station 1 = Hang Power Clean x 3 Station 2 = DB Bench Press x 6-8 AMRAP in 15 Minutes: 200m Run 12 Toe to Bar/Ring 9 Deadlift 155/105 6 Hang Power Clean 12 Push Ups Competition 1 Set: Iso YTWA Hold x 15-20 Seconds Banded TKE x 15 Banded Face Pull x 15 Cossack Squat x 5-10 Push Up + Shoulder Tap x 5-10 Front Leaning Calves Raise x 15 Wall Leaning Tibialis Raise x 15 Knee Over Toes Calves Raise x 15 5 Sets: (EMOM) Power Clean + Clean (Build to sound 6-7) 2...
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Breathing is the most fundamental thing that perform in upwards of 15,000+ times a day. It’s not only vital for your survival, but it drives your physiology, psychology, and performance. Your breathing patterns dictate your posture and your posture dictates performance. One thing we often find with clients is that they’re fundamental breathing patterns are out of sync and are habitual “chest breathers.” As a buy product they’re out of alignment, which causes rigidity and compensations in their system. The end up in what’s referred to as open scissor position or Janda’s upper/lower cross syndrome. By addressing their functional breathing patterns and bringing it back to initiating from the diaphragm. They engage their inner core muscles. In addition, by learning how to take a full inhale, followed by a longer exhale creates proper gas exchange of oxygen and carbon monoxide. This gas exchange creates a less acidic environment for the...
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If there’s one thing, I continue to learn is that life doesn’t seem to slow down. If anything, it only seems to get busier and move faster. This can make training and making yourself a priority a challenge. There are quite a few techniques and methods I’ve found to maximize training on limited time. In this video I had about 30-40 minutes to get in my training session. It was meant to be more upper body biased. I wanted to include one heavy lift, along with some repetition volume work. I also wanted to include the conditioning piece I had planned which was about 12 minutes. My session went as follows: A. 5 sets (Alternating movements every 90 seconds) Close Grip Bench Press x 10-8-6-4-2 Hand Anchored Single Bent Over KB Row x 8 each *Utilizing supersets is a great way to get in a good amount of work in...
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