
February 21, 2013
We’ve already had several individuals say the amount of success they’ve already seen after 6 days of the challenge.  With that being said we’d like to ask you all to take a before and after photo.  This does not need to be seen by anyone else including us.  Through past experiences it is nice to...
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Strength/Skill: Warm up: WOD Set Up Strength: Skill:   Courtney’s B-Day WOD: Benchmark Friday!!! AMRAP in 3:30/7 min/For Time: 36 Double Unders 7 Power Clean 155/105 36 KB Swings 55/35 7 Handstand Push Ups 36 Sit Ups 7 Burpee Pull Ups 36 Wall Balls 7 Pistols ea 36 Box Jumps 24/20 7 Muscle Ups 36...
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Starting next week we will begin to offer open gym hours during the day.  The purpose for this will be to allow those athletes who have time available during the day to come in and work on things in addition to their normal training, such as strength or skill work.  In addition this will allow...
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We’re 6 days into the Whole Life Challenge and hope everyone is enjoying the changes that you’re making.  If you having a hard time getting all your points for each day, one thing that will help the most will be to PREPARE.  Remember failing to plan is planning to fail.  Now that we’re 6 days...
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