Strength/Skill: 4 Sets: Medball Clean x 5 Push Up + Renegade Row x 8-10 WOD: In Teams of 2 Perfom AMRAP in 12 Minutes 200m Run AMRAP Medball Cleans *Partner A Perfoms 200m Run while Partner B Perform AMRAP Medball Cleans. Once Partner A returns partners change exercises, partner A will continue medball cleans where partner...Read More
Please make sure you register for the class, before you attend today. Strength/Skill: 10 Minutes: Odd Minutes Perform Snatch Even Minutes Perform Toe To Bar x 10-15 *Snatch (Min 1 @60%x3, Min 3 @70%x2, Min 5 @75%x2, Min 7 @80%x2, Min 9 @85%x2) WOD: For Time: 5 Rope Climbs 15 Ring Dips 30 KB Snatch...Read More
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