
March 21, 2012
Strength/Skill:  3 Sets: Turkish Get Up x 3-5 ea Hip Ext. x 15-20 @ 1111 High Box Jump x (Rest 5 seconds between reps) WOD: 5 Rds For Time: 40 Double Unders 30 Box Jumps 20 KB Swings Additional: Weekly Challenges Mobility
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Congrats to all the Open athletes as well as everyone else that has been doing the Open WOD’s over the lat 5 weeks! Friday night will be the final open WOD and we are going to have a party/potluck after the WOD on Friday. We will be doing a little award ceremony, eat some great...
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Strength/Skill: 4 Rounds Bulgarian Squat x 10-12 each leg Weighted V-ups x 15-20 WOD: For Time: Buy in: Run 400 Then  5 Rounds 7 Knees to elbow 14 Box Jumps Cash out: Run 400 meters Additional: Weekly Challenge board
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