Kelsey competed in her first Functional Fitness competition today which was at Mile High Functional Fitness for the King and Queen of the gym. It was a fun comp because each of the 4 WOD’s was with a new (co-ed)partner that was assigned to you. It was a smaller competition but well run and everyone...Read More
Strength/Skill 3 Rounds A. 5 x handstand kick ups to wall holds 10 x OH plate lunges 15 x kipping swings B. 5 x head stand holds 10 x ring rows 15 x push ups WD: Tabata 6 Rounds for each exercise of 20sec of work with 10 sec rest. 1 min reset between the...Read More
Strength/Skill: Behind Neck Jerk In 10 Minutes build to a Heavy Single WOD: 3 Rds For Time: 20 Hang Power Clean 75/55 20 Push Press 20 Hang Power Snatch 20 Box Jumps Additional: MobilityRead More
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