Wednesday 130327

Warm up:3 Rds NFT:

  • :20 Seconds Speed Jumps w/Jump Rope (Alternating feet)
  • :20 Overhead Squat W/Jump Rope
  • :20 Mountain Climber


AMRAP in 5 Minutes

  • Toe to Bar x 5
  • V-Ups x 5
  • Superman x 5
  • Good Mornings x 5


Death By 10 Yards:

  • Minute 1 athletes will run 10 yrds.  Minutes 2 athletes will run 10 yrds out and 10 yrds back.  Minute 3 athletes will run 3 10 yard sprints.  This will continue for as the athletes can complete the given number on reps within that given minute.  For example if an athlete is on round 12 and the complete 9 10 yard sprints within that minute their score for the WOD would be 11+9, since they successfully completed the 11 rounds and then ran 9 sprints in there set of 12.
  • 10 Minutes Mobility

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