Wednesday 120104

4 Sets Mini Bear Complex:5 Rds(one Round consists of):

  • Power Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Push Press/Jerk
  • Back Squat
  • Back Rack Jerk
  • Rest 2 minutes

*Once the bar leaves the ground the bar is not allowed to rest on the ground until finished with al 5 rds.  Athletes are allowed to full clean + thruster the first three movements. 

For Time:

  • 800 Meter Run
  • 60 Sit ups
  • 60 Russian KB Swings
  • 600 Meter Run
  • 50 V- Ups
  • 50 Hip Ext.
  • 400 Meter Run
  • 40 GHD Sit Ups
  • 40 RDL
  • Iron Shoulder Series

1 Response
  1. Ok so we are no longer going to post results but we would love if everyone would post their results to comments! So here are mine:
    Courtney S 18:16 RX