Wednesday 090110

Great job thus far this week everyone.  Each day we’re getting better so keep up the hard work on both the WOD and the Mobility WODs.  Below is a write up from Lisbeth Darsh of Functional Fitness Watertown, I read this and it truly hit home as to why we all struggle and push everyday to make ourselves better.

This is my gym.

These bars are my bars. When I put more bumpers on the ends, I get stronger. But when I take heavy weight off, I can go faster.

These rings are my rings. When I am strong, I can hold my arms out farther and test my strength. But when I am weaker, I draw everything close and just hang on.

This iron is my iron. The weight I try to lift in this life. It hurts me but it makes me grow. I’m stronger now than I was a week ago, a month ago, a year ago, a decade ago. And I’m only getting stronger.

Does that scare you? It should. My power is legendary, my strength is inspiring, my life is a testimony to the heart that beats so strong in me and the soul that goes so deep.

I am a Functional Fitnesster. And this is my gym.
*lisbeth darsh,


  • Overhead Squat 5-5-5


  • 400 Meter Run

Rest 3 Minutes

AMRAP in 12 Minutes

  • 7 Pull Ups
  • 7 Box Jumps
  • 7 Clapping Push Ups

Rest 3 Minutes

  • 400 Meter Run

* Score equals 400 meter runs added together than divided by total rounds performed in AMRAP.

Dan showing off his power
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