Tuesday 111213

3 Sets:

  • 3 Position Bench (Close, Neutral, Wide) x 8 ea @ 20×1
  • Clean Width Grip Bent Over Row x 16 (8 Pronated, 8 Supinated)
  • Rest 2 Minutes

3 Sets:

  • Wall Climbs x 5
  • KB Swings x 15-20 (Heavy)
  • Rest 2 Minutes
 With a Partner Perform Following For Time:

  • 500 Meter Row
  • 400 Meter Row
  • 300 Meter Row
  • 200 Meter Row
  • 100 Meter Row

*Partner A Rows 500 meter followed by Partner B, once Partner B is finished rowing 500 meters, Partner A rows 400 meters.  Continue this until both members have rowed the entire sequence.  Team with the fastest total time WINS!!! Therefore make sure your transitions are fast.

  • “Iron Shoulder Series”
  • Mobility
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