Tuesday 110208

Event 2
Max Muscle Ups 3 Attempts (total reps combined)

  • Men-  Each Rep is worth 10 points
  • Women- Each Rep is worth 20 points

Max Pullups in 3 Attempts (total reps combined)-

  • Men-  Each Rep Rx’d is worth 5 points
  • Women- Each Rep Rx’d is worth 5 points

*For each green band added as assistance equals minus 1 point each rep, Supine Rows will be allowed each rep will count as .5 points.

Max HSPU 3 Attempts (total reps combined)-  

  • Men- Each rep Rx’d is worth 5 Points
  • Women- Each Rep Rx’d is Worth 10 points
  • *1 Abmat equals 3/5 points, 1 Abmat + 10LB Plate equals 2/3 points, 2 Abmat is 1/2 points, Handstand Hold equals .25 points every second.

500m Row 

  • Men- 1:30 equals 200 points, each second more is negative 3 points, each second less is positive 3 pts.
  • Women- 1:40 equals 200 points, each second more is negative 3 points, each second less is positive 3 pts.

Max L Sit 3 Attempts (total time combined)

  • Each Second Rx’d is worth 2 points
  • *If you’re unable to perform Rx’d L-Sit “6 inch” hold will be assigned, for every second held equals .5 pts.

Max Double Unders/Single Unders in 2 Minutes

  • Each Double Under Rep is worth 2 Points, each Single Under is worth .5 pts.

Max Wall Balls in 2 Minutes

  • Men – Each Rep Rx’d equals 4 pts.
  • Women – Each rep Rx’d equals 4 pts.
  • *16/12 pound Medball equals 3 pts, 14/10 pound Medball equall 1.5 pts.

2 Responses
  1. Wall Balls = 43
    Double unders = 43
    Pullups = 37
    L-sit = 42 seconds
    HSPU = 14 (with one mat)
    Row = 2:08

    I’m still not a fan of rowing!