Rob’s Birthday WOD:
- 10 min to find your Deadlift 1 RM
3 Rounds for Time:
- 3 Muscle Ups
- 12 Power Snatch
- 31 Double Unders
Coaches Thoughts! Well Rob gets athlete of the day on his own WOD! He had done 1 muscle up before the WOD today and then did all 9 in the WOD. Rob we know you were getting frustrated, but we are so proud of you for pushing through and being successful! Thanks also to Glendon for your help with the muscle ups! There were quite a few PR put up in the deadlifts today, Shannon with a 55# PR of 355#, Josh with a PR of 395#, Nikki who has never done a deadlift except in fundamentals and pulled 165#. Fidelity pulled 215# and Karmen who was hoping for 165# got 180#, which is at least a 40# PR!
Courtney S: 6:10 (2 bands/ 45#)
Courtney V: 250- 260(PR) 270 Fail 6:38 (2 bands/65#)
50 burpees done in 4:53
Happy Belated Birthday Rob!
Thanks for the fun WOD.
9:28 (subbed 135# Power Clean for 95# Power Snatch)
50 done! Shan did his after the WOD this morning.
Happy Birthday, Rob!
no burpees, but a good WOD at Functional Fitness Lincoln, NE
44 – done! I put them off all day and did them during the workout.
Tomorrow I will start early and space them out. 
50 done.
44 done slow after the workout at home. Thanks to everyone for pushing me through the muscle ups.
88 burpees done after the wod. Good job today Rob
44 done and now time for bed.
50 burps in the bank
Happpy Birthday Rob!!
Shea’s got their 88 burpees done. Jeff- 7:54, Amie- did not time herself.
50 done by the light of the Christmas tree
Forgot to log in last night, but 44 were done yesterday. Happy belated birthday Rob! That B-day WOD looks awesome too!