Skill Work:
- 10 Minutes to practice forward roll/heandstand/handstands
3 Rds of:
- AMRAP in 30 Seconds Ring Pull Ups
- AMRAP in 30 Seconds L-Sit
- AMRAP in 30 Seconds Handstand Push Ups/Handstand Hold/Headstand Hold
- AMRAP in 30 Seconds GHD Sit Ups
- Justin: HS Push-up: 3,6,5 L-Sit- 17sec,10,6,GHD: 18,11,14, Pull ups:16,8,8
- Rob: HS Push-up:2,3,3, L-sit:16sec,10,8, GHD: 4,6,9 Pull ups: 9,8,6
- George: HS Push-up:11,11,7, L-sit: 30 sec,25, 30, GHD: 8,14,14 Pull-ups:10,12,7
- Jess: HS Hold 30sec,30,30 L-sit:25sec, 25,20, GHD:14,12,13 Pull-ups:7, 8, 5
- Shannon: HS Push up:5,9,8, L-sit:15sec,28,20, GHD: 11,15,8, Pull-ups:9,7,7
- Jake: HS Hold:30sec,30,30, L-sit:30sec,26,20, GHD 14,8,9, Pull-ups:10,4,8
- Cajeme:HS Push, 2 Hold:20sec,25sec, L-sit:26sec,10,5, GHD10,5,7 Pull-ups:10,5,4
- Court S: HS Push:8,6,8 L-sit:25sec,20,25, GHD:17,14,14, Pull-ups: 8,10,8
- Karmen:HS Push: 5,5,6, L-sit:30sec,30,30 GHD:19,13,13 Pull-ups:11,7,5
- Susan:HS Push: 13,10,10 L-sit:30sec,25,20 GHD: 14,13,11 Pull-ups: 7,5,6
- Jason: Headstand hold:10sec,25sec,20 L-sit:20sec,20,10 sit-ups:15.6,8 Pull ups:7,5,6
- Aaron:Single arm hold: 27sec,27,28, L-sit:22,14, 13, GHD:10,10,11 Bent over row:22,19,26
Day 8: One-armed WODs
3 Rds of:
AMRAP in 30 Seconds Ring Pull Ups (subbed single arm, 60# DB bent over row): 22-19-26
AMRAP in 30 Seconds L-Sit: 28 sec – 14 sec – 13 sec
AMRAP in 30 Seconds Handstand Push Ups (subbed, single arm, 60# DB overhead hold): 28 sec – 27 sec – 28 sec
AMRAP in 30 Seconds GHD Sit Ups: 10-10-11
*10 seconds of rest/transition time between movements.