Thursday 110217


  • Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press 3 x 12
  • Bent Over Dumbbell Row 3 x 15


5-9-13-17-21 For Time:

  • Wall Ball 20#/14#
  • Push Press 95#/65#
  • Push Ups

2 Responses
  1. Aaron

    For time:
    21-15-9 of:
    Rowing, calories
    Deadlift, 225#
    2x Sit-ups (42-30-18)

    Time = 9:25

    WOW! Deads coming off the row was much more difficult than expected. Broke the deads up: 11-4-4-2, 5-5-5, 9. This one left me feeling like I was going to puke. Haven’t felt that way in a long time.