Thursday 110210

Day 4 Surge Elite Performance & Fitness All-Around

Due to the weather and road conditions, we decided to postpone the run and perform the metcon test today.


Option #1

AMRAP 12 Minutes

5 Thruster 105lbs/75lbs
10 KBS 2pd/1.5pd
15 Toe to Bar
Each Round is worth 90 Points, Each Rep is Worth 3 Points

Option #2

AMRAP in 12 Minutes

5 Thruster 95lbs/65lbs
10 KBS 1.5pd/1pd
15 Knee to Elbow
Each Round is worth 60 Points, Each Rep is Worth 2 Points

Option #3

AMRAP in 12 Minutes

5 Thruster 75lbs/45lbs
10 KBS 1pd/20 LB
15 Sit Ups
Each Round is worth 30 Points, Each Rep is Worth 1 Points

Athletes will be allowed to scale within each option of the AMRAP.  The given movement and loads will be assigned a given point value listed above.  For example if an athlete performs the AMRAP with option #2, but is able to perform Toes to Bar.  Each rep of the thrusters and KB Swings in option #2 will count as 2 points but each rep completed for Toe to bar will count as 3 points.  Choose wisely talk it over with the coaches, but scaling will be at the coach’s discretion.

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4 Responses
  1. Aaron


    7 rounds for time of:
    15 Kettlebell swing, 1.5 pood (scaled to 1 pood)
    15 Power clean, 95# (scaled to 65#)
    15 Box jumps, 24” box (scaled to 20”)

    Time = 15:30

  2. afromeatball

    5 rounds complete using:

    95 lbs thrusters (2 pts per rep)
    55 kettlebells (2 pts per rep)
    toes to bar (3 pts per rep)

    I think the total score for this metcon is 375?

  3. My WOD for today was:
    65# Thrusters (2 points)
    35# Kettlebells (2 points)
    Toes to bar (3 points)

    Total = 417 (5 complete rounds + thrusters, kettlebells, & 4 T2B)

    I was happy with this; but a bit taken off gaurd. I thought the thrusters would be the hardest, but it was the T2B that got me!

  4. Luv-2-run

    Hey Courtney I’m stopping by the web site to say thanks for saying you’d marry me! I’ll try to get you a big ole ring! 🙂