WOD: 3 Minute AMRAP each Station: Row (Calories) Battling Rope DeadLift 135#/95# Resistance Shuttle Run Dumbbell Push Press 35#/25# Isometric Squat/Wall Squat Extra Credit: Day 16 of Burpee Challenge Mobility WOD
Susan December 16, 2010 at 4:38 pm 100 burpees done today. I completely forgot to do them yesterday! This is the first day I’ve had to double up. 🙁
50 burpees done with Jake.
100 burpees done today. I completely forgot to do them yesterday! This is the first day I’ve had to double up. 🙁
50 done
50 done
50 burps done. Susan that sucks!
50 burpees in the bag!
Burpees done.
Burpees are done.
72 burpees done after wod.
burpees are done….now off to bed!