I would like to say thank you to everyone who came down to Defy and supported all of our Surge Family members who were competing. All weekend long personally had people tell me who amazing people we had, and they couldn’t believe the fact that every where they looked they saw someone wearing a Surge logo. We say this every after every event but it never seems to get old, we are the luckiest people in the world because we are able to call each and every Surge member our Family.
This leads me to my next point. I have been able to share some of the greatest experiences of my life with some of you and this Saturday marked another one. I will let Court elaborate about the weekend later, sorry it’s a little late and she does a much better job recapping events. I will give the “Cliffs Notes” version of what happened. Court and I finished our last workout and the lead singer of the band that was playing announced that I had an announcement to make. Finally getting Court’s attention I asked her to join me in the middle of the room, I swear I had the most amazing speech planned out in my head. However in that moment I could only mutter out a few sentences, and then in front of a crowed room I “finally” in her words asked her to marry me. To my surprise:) she said yes!!! As we turned we both saw nothing but a room that was filled wall to wall with Surge Family members, to be honest that absolutely made the experience that much greater. I know there were a lot of people who were unable to be there and missed it, and I do apologize. I just want to say thank you to every single one of our Surge Family members especially those who were able to be at the event., it was an amazing day but have all of you there was that much more amazing.
So stalking does pay off! Congrates to the both of you.
Definitely a day I won’t forget!
The timing couldn’t have been more perfect (after totally CRUSHING the wod in half the time that was allowed, winning the event! )
you guys are a great team, and I am so happy for you!
I don’t think I’ve seen so many giant smiles in one place!
Bummed that Shannon and I missed it….congrats to you both!