For Time:
- 10 Burpees
- 20 Pull Ups
- 30 KB Swings
- 40 Walking Lunges
- 400 Meter Run
- Rest 1 Minute
- 400 Meter Run
- 40 Walking Lunges
- 30 KB Swings
- 20 Pull Ups
- 10 Burpees
Coaches Thoughts: We had a fantastic race to the finish at the 8:30 class! Courtney V, Karmen, and Lo were battling it out and the 3 of them were all on the pull up bar at the same time and to burpees at the same time! Karmen pulled it out with a time of 16:08, Court got it in 16:15 and Lo at 16:16. It was a very fun to watch the ladies battle it out! The 9:30 was mostly guys and we had some great times put up by them as well. Glendon got the time of the day and even jumped up to the 70#KB for the first time! Nice work my friend. We had Eben and Kris join in the fun as well. Eben happens to be one of Court’s really good friends from highs school so it was fun for me to see him again and he did great. Thanks to Cherly for bringing her sister Kris who was in town from Oregon! Great to have you both!

50 done. 20 in the WOD and 30 afterward.
Have fun tonight everyone! Wish we could be there. Looking forward to seeing some pics of some great sweaters.
Merry Christmas!
At Functional Fitness Fury in Arizona
5 rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts, 155#
9 Hang Power Cleans, 155#
6 Jerks, 155#
Time = 11:31
Scaled to 135#.
Before the WOD, C&J practice. Got 225#, but failed on the jerk on 235#.
Thanks to Peter and his crew for letting me join them today.
50 done – sets of 10 (with Lincoln), 15, and 25. I wish Aaron and I could be there for the party tonight! Everyone have fun and take pictures!
Have a great party tonight!
Done during the WOD this morning.
Merry Christmas!!!! Have a wonderful time. 🙂
80 burpees
80 squats
80 push ups
80 set ups
Didn’t time
50 burps 5 X 10 alternated with 5 X 10 standing press 75# 13 min.
I forgot to post for Thurday! Got burpees completed before heading to bed. Then today I completed my burpees from yesterday and today a few minutes ago. Getting ready for a fun night at the party!
Got my best time yet on the burpees tonight…50 in 3:36
Nice time Josh!
Thank you sir!