Saturday 100703


3 Rds As Many Reps as Possible in 1 minute of:

  • Tire Flip
  • KB Sumo Deadlift High-pulls 55#/35#
  • Box Jump/Step Up 20″
  • MB Slam 20#/15#
  • Russian Twist 20#/14#
  • Rest

Results: Numbers listed as reps per round

  • Ed: 110, 98, 95=303
  • Julie: 92, 87, 93 =272
  • Cory: 116, 89, 77 =282
  • Ryan: 153,101, 94 =348
  • Jay: 100, 100, 94 =294
  • Athena: 123, 109, 114 =346
  • Kathy: 60, 72, 74 =141
  • Jake: 127, 143, 135 =405 (moved up to bigger tires each round)
  • Chris: 83, 83, 84=250 (moved up to bigger tires each round)
  • Court: 156, 143, 147 =446 (moved up to bigger tire for round 2/3)
  • Cajeme: 116, 89, 77 =282 (moved up to biggest tire for round 2/3)
  • Jolene: 115, 122, 128=365
  • Justin 154, 187, 191 = 532 (modifed med ball slam to box, RDL, step up, modified SDHP due to blown ACL’s)
  • Randy: 87, 95, 95 =277 (1st CF WOD ever)
  • Cassie: 105, 102, 78= 285 (1st CF WOD ever)

Congrats and welcom to Cassie and Randy who did their first ever Functional Fitness WOD today and both id AWESOME! Hope you guys do well on your 4K race tomorrow!

You go Julie!
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1 Response
  1. Aaron

    Sorry I missed the first tire flip WOD…was looking forward to that. Also remiss in missing Lynne on Friday, been waiting for that one. Susan and I did a WOD at Functional Fitness Pensacola this AM. 15 minute clock, one partner runs 400m, the other partner does box jumps (24″ box), count box jumps, switch after each 400m. We did 218 box jumps.