Pull Up Clinic?

Lately we’ve had a ton of questions regarding pull ups, especially the butter fly pull up. With that being said, we would like to throw out the idea of holding a pull up specific clinic to be conducted this Thursday night at 6:15 pm. Whether you’re an athlete who can do 50 unbroken pull ups and would like to refine your technique or you’re an athlete who is working on your first pull up this clinic will benefit you. In order for us to put this on, we will have to cancel the 6:15 class, therefore we need to know how many participants will sign up before we cancel class. Please RSVP to comments so we know by the end of the day. If you have any questions please let us know. 

4 Responses
  1. afromeatball

    Brother, I would love to work on some butterflys PUs. I think my schedule will prevent my participation on this one.

  2. Bigbamboo

    Great idea but unfortunately my schedule would not allow me to attend this Thursday! Hopefully there will be another pull up specific clinic in the near future