Monday 110509


Top of each min for 10 min perform:

  • Shoulder Press x 4 (Minutes 1-3)
  • Push Press x 3 (Minutes 4-7)
  • Push Jerk x 2 (Minutes 8-10)


AMRAP in 15 Minutes (Perform each Exercise Holding a Single Dumbell)

  • Walking Lunge Holding DB in RT Hand x 12 30#/20#
  • Single Arm Push Press RT x 6
  • Walking Lung Holding DB in LT x 12 30#/20#
  • Single Arm Push Press LT x 6
  • Box Jump x 3 20″
This picture may be all we see of Chris this week as he is studying and getting ready for his fire department tests! We wish you the best of luck and will see you next week!
3 Responses
  1. Aaron

    Good luck Chris!

    Are the lunges with the weight overhead or at the waist? Same question on the box jumps.

  2. Aaron

    Thanks! Might give this a try tonight if the hotel has any dumbbells. If not, maybe increase the lunge volume and do HSPUs instead of push press.

    Moab was fun, dirty, but fun.