Benchmark Team WOD
I’m sure a lot of you have tried to explain what Functional Fitness is to your friends or loved ones. Furthermore I’m sure those of you who have tried to get those people to participate or even try Functional Fitness have been met with all kinds of excuses or reason’s why they’re “UNABLE” to do Functional Fitness. One of the things we hear the most is that “I’m too old to do that,” or “my old could never do that.” First of all I don’t care who you are, we all need to be able to sit down and stand up, pick things up, and put objects over our head. The things we teach and focus on day in and day out are functional movements that pertain to our daily lives. Functional Fitness.com posted a great video in the Journal section where they talked to Jean Tordella. Jean is a 63 year old women who began Functional Fitnessting about 1 year ago. She discusses how incorporating Functional Fitness into hear life has made her challenging daily tasks that much easier. Check out a preview of the article here.
Run 1 mile
100- Pullups
200- Pushups
300- Squats
Run 1 mile
*wear a 20lbs vest if you have it
*you can partition out the 100, 200, 300 any way you would like (ex: 20 rounds of 5 pullups,10 pushups,15 squats)