- Deadlift 1×6 @ 70% 1×6 @ 78% 1×6 @ 83% 1×6+@ 75%
10-20-30 For Time:
- Wall Ball 20#/14#
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull 95#/65#
* The Wall Balls are to be UNBROKEN. By UNBROKEN we mean that you’re not allowed to drop the med ball. Each time you drop the ball there is a 3 burpee penalty that needs to be performed on the spot.

Coaches Thoughts, on today! Well first congrats to everyone on rocking the Wall Balls, there were only two penalties paid today, and one was by Amber M, who has never done WB and today was only her 3 CF WOD! What we learned today is that you are all better at WB’s than you give yourself credit for! Heard some great quotes today:
From Jake H, who is a Denver police officer. He said that you get in a foot chase usually about once every 6 weeks. He had 3 foot chases over the weekend, and went 3 for 3, caught them all! He caught a 16 year old kid, and was the only one on his team that wasn’t out of breath! Jake said that it was a great feeling and that he know CF is working! He was thankful for the 800’s we have been running! Plus some of his buddies are thinking they should be doing CF with us! Congrats Jake on all your hard work, and thanks for your service!

Quote from Aaron after he sent us his 4th and final week’s food journal. “Glad the logging is over, kind of became a pain near the end. But it is so easy to eat balanced and stay in the zone now, I should have no problem sticking with it.” This is exactly the response we were hoping everyone would have. Even if you didn’t complete this challenge, there is no time better than the present! Bring us your logs, and if you don’t have one, start doing it now!
Love the quotes. We agree with Aaron!!