Monday 100614

Skill Work:

3 Rds For Time:

  • 8 Ring Dips
  • 6 Pull Ups


20-15-10-5 For Time:

  • Thrusters 85#/55#
  • Box Jump

This WOD is a shorter metcon, therefore your goal for this should be to do the box jumps unbroken.


Skill Work:

Aaron 3:18

Shannon 3:43

Jake: 3:33

Jolene: 4:44

Miss E: 5:08

Court: 3:03


Aaron: 8:36 as Rx’d

George 9:49 as Rx’d

Shannon: 8:18 75#

Jake: 8:09 75#

Jonlene: 9:58 35#

Morning crew, loving today's WOD

Court: 8:29 as rx’d

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2 Responses
  1. KGriff

    Skill Work: Karmen-2:46, Susan-3:07
    WOD: Karmen(45#)-8:48, Susan(as RXd)-7:41

    We agreed that 45# was going to be good for the thrusters but after I did the WOD with 45# it seemed that Susan would do great with the 55#…and she did! Box jumps for both of us were unbroken.