Friday 110318

Skill Practice:  15 min

  • Double Unders
  • Snatch
  • Clean and Jerk

WOD: First WOD of the Functional Fitness Games Open

AMRAP in 10 min:

  • 30 Double Under
  • 15 Ground to Overhead (Snatch or Clean & Jerk) 75#/55#

Please note: The 5:15am & 8 am classes tomorrow will be held as usual tomorrow. However the evening session will start at 5. We will do a group warm up and then will be doing heats of athletes. We will be alternating between heats of athletes that are competing in the game, and athletes just wanting to get the WOD in, so please be patience.  If you just want to come by and cheer your fellow Surge family on and give them that extra boost to get a few more reps that would be great too. I assume we should get through all the heats in under 1.5 hours(including warm-up). If you can’t be there by 5 please text us @ 720-289-5789  to give us a heads up that you are coming so we can plan accordingly, please put your name in your text also.


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