Friday, April 2, 2021

Surge Elite Performance & Fitness – CROSSFIT

Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

A) 2 Sets:

Push Up + Scapular Push Up x 5

Banded Face Pulls x 10

Barbell RDL x 3

Barbell Bent Over Row x 3

Barbell Upright Row x 3

Barbell No Dip Hang Muscle Clean x 3

Barbell Shoulder Press x 3

Barbell Push Press x 3

Barbell Push Jerk x 3

B) AMRAP in 5 Minutes

30 Double Unders

12 Deadlift 135/95

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP in 5 Minutes

30 Double Unders

9 Hang Power Clean 135/95

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP in 5 Minutes

30 Double Unders

6 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95


Metcon (3 Rounds for reps)

A) For Time:

2K Row

B) AMRAP in 5 Minutes

50 Double Unders

12 Deadlift 155/105

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP in 5 Minutes

50 Double Unders

9 Hang Power Clean 155/105

Rest 2 Minutes

AMRAP in 5 Minutes

50 Double Unders

6 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105

C) 5 Sets:

Front Squat + Jerk

*Light to moderate weight, focus on technique and transition from front squa to jerk set up

D) 3 Sets:

Snatch Pulls x 3 @ 90%